Monday, February 17, 2020

Time ... it's our most precious asset. As I get older, time seems to be accelerating. My oldest daughter Jessica just celebrated her second wedding anniversary and our youngest daughter Kelly just turned 30. Where did the years go? 

A few of you {or your kids) have received a book from me called "FIVE, Where will you be in Five Years?" by Dan Kendra. This little red book is filled with challenging questions about your next 5 years? Where will you travel? How will you improve your relationships? What financial goal will you meet? What new people will influence your life? How will you improve your health? What mountains will you climb? 

We are all blessed with the same amount of time each week ... 168 hours. If you subtract for the 8 hours of sleep each night and 50 hours for your work week; that leaves you 62 hours a week for family, self-improvement, meditation, exercise, volunteer work, hobbies, prayer or time with friends. Certainly there are other things we spend time doing but the point is we have lots of time to live a full and rewarding life. If only we have a plan and goals to get there. 

Back to the book FIVE, the worst thing that can happen to us is we look back over the last 5 years and say "I wish I would have ..... " We had no plan, no written goals.

Five years went by and we have nothing to show for it. 

I often tell folks that without goals, how do you know if you have arrived? If you have a goal of being worth a million bucks when you are 60, then when you get to 60 you have something to measure against. Without the goal when you arrive at 60, you have no idea if you succeeded or not. Same goes for exercise, how many miles do I want to walk, run or cycle each year? How many servings of fruits and vegetables am I eating each day? How many hours am I spending on retirement planning? How can I love my wife more deeply? 

I leave you with one final quote from a motivational speaker that I have followed named Tremendous Jones. "You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read."

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