Monday, June 1, 2020

Have you ever heard the saying "Birds of a feather, flock together" or "Misery loves company?"

Both have similar meanings. People with like interest, tend to gravitate to each other. I think the trick here is to decide which type of people and groups you want to gravitate towards. It truly is a conscious decision. You get to decide. 

I prefer to be around upbeat, high energy, smart and generous people. I like to learn as much as possible from my friends and colleagues. I like adventure and travel. I like getting up early each day so that I can exercise and think. I like to read good books. I like to have a lively debate about current events. I like to give my time and money to folks who could use a helping hand. Most of the people I hang out with fall into one of these categories. My wife is in all of them, especially the upbeat category! 

If you are raising kids, there is nothing more important than the groups they hang out with. Peer pressure is a powerful force and so if your kid is on the cross­-country team and the peer pressure is to eat, train and sleep properly so that you perform well, that's a good group of peers. If your kids hang out with kids that party too much, hate to study and learn, and are generally unmotivated, then their path in life will be much more difficult. 

Here is another saying that I like, "Show me the 5 people you hang out the most with, and I'll show you what your future looks like". Who are you hanging out with? Who are you following? Life is short. Is it time to upgrade the people you hang out with? 

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