Monday, April 6, 2020

One of your fellow owners sent this to me last week. In this time of isolation I was reminded how nothing we do happens solo. We are all interdependent. We all need each other. We are all in this together. The story is from a man named Paul Bennett. 

"Months after Japan had been ravaged by the earthquake in 2011, subsequent tsunami and the impending nuclear reactor meltdown in Fukushima, I was asked to come to Tohoku, the area most devastated, and speak about ... something hopeful. I spoke about the behaviors of wild geese. 

First and foremost, the wild goose is never alone, but part of a flock; they fly in formation and no goose is left behind. Second, by flapping their wings together, each bird creates uplift for the others, allowing them to fly longer distances. Third, when the lead goose gets tired, it drops back into the flock and allows another to lead. Lastly, and to me most poignantly, the geese in the back honk to motivate those in front to keep going. 

Why did I share this? Because wild geese are a fundamentally collaborative species. They are interdependent, recognizing the need for each other's presence and the desire to work together. Their rotating structure means they have resilience as a group, and everyone understands that they have an equal role to play. And by honking to motivate those in the front to keep going, they recognize that good leadership is held in encouragement as much as it is in direction setting. 

I wonder if it is time for us all to fly together right now, to create uplift for each other, to each take our turn and to help everyone's ideas come to the forefront. Above all, I think it is time for us all to flock together, so that we can all keep going. It is time. It is now. It is forever."

I am honking!

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